
Pastor Wayne Goodall

Pastor Wayne Goodall serves as Senior Pastor at Haven of Rest Baptist Church. He and his wife Linda have a deep desire to reach lost souls for Jesus Christ, and they love ministering in the West Haven community. God truly uses all things to draw people to Him. While suffering from a back injury at age 23, Pastor Wayne saw an evangelist on television and heard the truth of the gospel. Soon after, he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and was forever changed. After his salvation, he went on to earn a bachelor of science degree from Quinnipiac University and practiced physical therapy. While practicing physical therapy He felt God’s calling to serve Him in fulltime ministry. Having a hunger for God’s word, he enrolled in pastoral training at a bible institute and began to search and study the scriptures. During this time, he helped start a local church and was a Deacon there for 11 years. He furthered his Bible training by obtaining a Master of Ministry Degree in 2011.

In March of 1999, his local church ordained him as a Pastor, and he and his wife Linda planted Haven of Rest Baptist Church in West Haven. Since its inception, the church has steadily grown from a handful of people, to a solid congregation of believers. Pastor Wayne and Linda Goodall were born and raised in Connecticut and have four children.


Our deacons work closely with our Pastors to disciple new believers, pray with our Pastors on important issues, and lend a hand wherever needed.

Pradeep Darivemula

Pradeep Darivemula


Mike Northrup Sr Image

Mike Northrup Sr


Darwin Elias Headshot

Darwin Elias


Cephas Molgiri Hyde

Cephas Molgiri


Support Staff

These are our pillars of support – who work behind the scenes to keep us going.

Colette Domshine

Colette Domschine


Gina Elias Headshot

Gina Elias


James Gladue

James Gladue


We are truly thankful for all of you who minister in each capacity – from the Music Ministry, to Nursery workers, the Sunday School teachers, those who help out in the Bookstore, the Sound/Tape Ministry, and the list goes on!

Many thanks Haven of Rest Congregation – for all you do!